Threeland Travel gathered their Travelife Partner level award on May 28th, 2024. The award celebrates Threeland Travel's long-term efforts in sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
What is Travelife Partner Award?
Travelife certification organization
Travelife for Tour operators
Finally, congratulations to Threeland Travel !
Threeland Travel gathered their Travelife Partner level award on May 28th, 2024. The award celebrates Threeland Travel's long-term efforts in sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Threeland Travel fulfills over 100 standards for an operator's office management, product range, international business partners, and client information. The Travelife Partner level standard covers the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility issues, which include the environment, biodiversity, human rights, and labor relations.
What is Travelife Partner Award?
Travelife certification organization
The Travelife certification organization was founded in 2007 as a project dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in the travel and tourism industry.
The Travelife project is based on the central role of travel businesses and travel agencies in the tourism supply chain. The unique position between supplier and buyer allows them to influence consumer demand, purchasing policies, and destination development.
This allows them to contribute significantly to sustainable development and environmental and cultural protection in destinations. Travelife aims to provide companies with the knowledge, solutions, and tools to implement positive change in their businesses and supply chains.
Travelife has helped more than 1,300 members who are hotels, restaurants, and travel businesses around the world effectively improve their environmental, social, and economic impacts. Hotels, restaurants, and travel businesses that meet Travelife standards are officially recognized with Travelife certificates.
Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 35 national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members, including, KATO, the Kenyan Association of Tour Operators; TATO, the Tanzanian Association of Tour Operators, ABTA, the British Travel Association, PATA, the Pacific Asian Travel Association; and FTT in South Africa.
Travelife for Tour operators
This system, operated by ECEAT-Projects, provides online training and convenient tools for planning, managing, and reporting on sustainable development. The training courses and tools are suitable for companies of all sizes and cover all areas of tourism business management, such as back office operations, supply chains, destinations, and consumers.
After complying with Travelife's standards for travel businesses and travel agents, businesses can achieve the title of “Travelife Partner” or “Travelife Certified." Travelife's regulatory requirements comply with ISO 14001 and EMAS III standards. Implementation requirements cover all the criteria of the ISO 26000 standard and the Corporate Social Responsibility guidelines established by the OECD, including working conditions, human rights, the environment, biodiversity, and fair business practices.
Travelife works closely with the industry to introduce and promote the program. There are already more than 15 national travel associations promoting Travelife among their members.
This Travelife system is managed by ECEAT-Projects, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands.
Finally, congratulations to Threeland Travel !
Founded in 2003, Threeland Travel, an exclusive master licensee of Grayline International, provides tailor-made private tours in Indochina. We are deeply committed to sustainable tourism (Responsible Policies), admitting our responsibility to preserve the environment, protect cultural heritage, support local communities, and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the charm of destinations.
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