



5 Day(s)

Cambodia Birding Ang Trapaend Thmor Crane Reserve


Siem Reap - Angkor Temples - Crane Reserve - Tonle Sap



Get along with Ang Trapeang Thmor, home of the largest-known flock of the rare Sarus Crane and almost 200 other species.


Visiting the temples of Angkor and Siem Reap city.
Visiting Ang Trapeang Thmor Sarus Crane Reserve (ATT)
Taking boat tour in the Tonle Sap Lake
Enjoying buffet dinner with traditional Apsara dance performance


  1. Upon arrival in Siem Reap, we will clear immigration and customs before transferring to our hotel in center area. 
    Welcome buffet dinner with traditional Apsara dance performance which is not only dance but also story telling. Overnight in Siem Reap.

  2. We will arise very early this morning in order to arrive at Angkor Watt for sunrise. After sunrise most tourists go back Siem Reap for breakfast, but we will bring a packed breakfast in order to visit Angkor Watt after sunrise when it’s less crowded. We will spend the majority of the morning at Angkor Watt, the largest religious structure in the world. Then we will visit the decaying temple of Ta Prohm whose walls and spires are still draped in vegetation including enormous trees whose roots meander over and through the temple stones. After visiting Ta Prohm we will take a break to have a picnic lunch. 
    In the afternoon we will have a brief visit to the temple of Preah Khan (the Temple of the Sacred Sword) with its maze of vaulted corridors, lichen-encrusted stones and elegant carvings. From Preah Khan we will finish our day at the complex of structures that make up Angkor Thom. Comeback to your hotel after tour. Overnight in Siem Reap.

  3. This morning, we will depart very early this morning for Ang Trapeang Thmor Sarus Crane Reserve (ATT) which located about an hour and half northwest of Siem Reap. We will have breakfast along the way and after a full morning of birding we will have the opportunity to visit the Phnom Srok Village which is famous for their silk weavings. After our visit to the village and a chance to shop for silk handicrafts we will have lunch at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s reserve headquarters. After lunch, continue our exploration and looking for any species we might have missed in the morning. We should arrive back in Siem Reap and our hotel around 5:00 which will leave plenty of time to freshen up prior to dinner. Overnight in Siem Reap.

  4. After breakfast, we will move onto the great lake of Tonle Sap and see the small floating village which moves in and out depending on the water levels throughout the year.  Taking boat trip to explore the biggest fresh-water lake in South East Asia, we have chance to explore the bustling life of local people in floating villages with floating schools, floating restaurants, and even floating hospitals. Transferred into your small boat and be rowed through the flooded forest of Kompong Phluk. It’s then your own leisure time to explore Siem Reap in the afternoon. Overnight in Siem Reap.

  5. At leisure in the morning before transferring to airport for your departure flight. End of services!

Cambodia Birding Ang Trapaend Thmor Crane Reserve

Our terms

What’s included

English-speaking tour guides
Land transportation by air-con vehicles
Accommodation based on Twin-shared room with breakfast
Welcome buffet dinner with Apsara dance performance
Meals as mentioned in the program (no drinks)
Boat trips and admissions as mentioned in the program
Drinking water during the touring day (2 bottles/person/day)

What’s not included



Departure City

Number of travellers




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